
Notes: TPG through ch 2

Gaertk at Gaertk at
Mon Jun 24 13:38:31 PDT 2002

In a message dated Sun, 23 Jun 2002 4:47:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, Thomas Yan <tyan at> writes:

> Gaertk at writes:
>> [page ix]
>> Neat way of expressing the dates, too bad they're wrong.  
> I'm too lazy to work it out, but I'd be interested in 
> seeing your calculations.

Okay, first we have Years, which are exactly that (more so
than you might expect [1]), then Turns (which Paarfi 
consistently omits in this book) which equal 17 years, then
Phases which equal 17 Turns.  From Vlad's comments in 
another book, we know that the minimum time a House can hold
the Orb is 17*17 years, and the maximum is 17*17*17.  This
means that the Orb can't change Houses until the Phase of 
the Phoenix is completed, and has the change by the time the
Phase of the Athyra ends.  The Reign is simply set to 
whatever House holds the Orb, 17 Reigns equals a Cycle, 17
Cycles equals a Great Cycle.  

So if you have a base 17 number system, you can express the 
date in 6 digits.  Take the list of Houses given in 
_Jhereg_ and number them.  Now go back and number them 
again, this time starting with zero.  Now the date we're
dealing with is 309 PI, but Dragaerans start counting at 1
instead of 0 [2], so subtract one to get 308.  Now convert
to base 17 and you get 1,1,2.  Add on the values for the
current reign and it becomes 1,0,0,1,1,2.  Now add 1 to each
value (this is why I said Dragaerans hadn't invented the 
zero) and then drop the Turn and Reign values (already
noticed missing on the title page) and you get 2,1,2,3; the
date at the end of the Preface.

[1] See Mark's Cracks and Shards, the last two paragraphs:

[2] Making the beginning of a reign year zero when it starts
in the middle of the year (likely most of the time) makes it
much easier to do complex date calculations, like figuring
out how old Khaavren is when Vlad meets him.

>> [page xiv]
>> The lines quoted from the poem seem to contradict comments
>> made later by Sethra.
> How so?

My interpretation of the poem is that its taking place after
Adron's Disaster and that Tazendra was a Lavode then, but
Sethra says (in _Issola_) that the Lavodes were disbanded
before the Interregnum.  It just occurred to me that Adron's
Disaster may not mark the "official" beginning of the 

>> [page 19]
>> Rovers?
> I agree: huh, what?

I was wondering if anyone would comment (or better yet,
speculate) on that.
