
TPG: Ch.3 - Khaavren

Raellew at Raellew at
Wed Jun 26 13:06:01 PDT 2002

In a message dated 6/25/02, Starshadw at writes:

>So it's definitely NOT his "given" name, then (see page 28).  It is 
>a common thing for the eldest son to be referred to by his title's 
>location name among close friends, but I find it interesting that he 
>allowed these new acquaintances to do this so quickly.  Obviously, 
>they became friends later, but still.

That "Marquis of Khaavren" is a bit of a poser, but *everyone* calls 
him Khaavren, not just close friends. Further, I believe he introduces
himself several times as "Khaavren of Castlerock (or Castle Rock)".  
In that instance, Khaavren seems more likely to be a proper name 
than a title.

Is there any reason why it couldn't be both? That is, he's Khaavren 
of Castlerock, the Marquis of Khaavren?
