
[DbS] TPG ch9-ch11

Tue Jul 9 13:47:06 PDT 2002

Selected notes, with an attempt to suppress duplicates in common with KG's.

- tky

** pp87-96. ch9 "Attempt Private Discussion"

pp87-88: [pike = insignia associated with Empire's security]
p88: Dekkan e'Tenith: short, heavily built Dragon, red hair, pale complexion;
     {description important later, or 
     here just to reinforce the idea that Khaavren is perceptive?}
p90: Khaavren interjection: Bloody Throne
pp89-90: tall, haughty-looking young Dzur of perhaps ~500; -"wassup?"-;
     short, dark brown hair; beret; piercing, slanted eyes; very thick brows;
     wore black; only decoration = Lavode seal on beret; broadsword;
     wizard's staff; {this is Gyorg: see also p109 for more description}
pp92-93: Kurich's pike & old Athyra woman: Khaavren realizes it is the other
     side of the room Dekkan was guarding {was Khaavren there before Tazendra?}
p92: Tazendra interjection: Cracks and Shards
p96: Dekkan interjection: Cracks in the Orb {Orb already has cracks,
     prior to Adron's disaster / visiting Paths of the ?}
     {does Paarfi slip up with regard to revivification?  see pp115-116.
     I think Jhereg, ch6, p53 in TBoJ has a revision re: Jhereg sending 
     a message by returning a messenger's head in a basket -- 
     original version had an anachronistic reference to non-revifiable 
     in an event that happened pre-Interregnum and hence pre-revifications}
p96: "they wen to celebrate" {typo: wen <--> went};
     inn favored by G'aereth's Company {typo? Company <--> company}

** pp97-102. ch10 "Tazendra Personal History"

p97: everyone else home or passed out except for Khaavren & Tazendra;
     Khaavren: never drank excessively due to a childhood experience {!},
     head starts to swim after 5 drinks in 5 hours;
     Tazendra: could drink a lot & retain most of her faculties;
     [geography] Dragaera River
p97: Tazendra interjection: The Orb!  Did you mark our friend Pel?
p98: Khaavren interjection, of Aerich: Kieron's Boots!  Such speed!
pp100-101: The Rose Bush inn; Tazendra losing money to 2 Iorich;
      {do roses signify something?  Rose Bush inn?  Thorny Rose Army p82?}

** pp103-117. ch11 "Plot = Soup + Starch: Begins, at Last, to Thicken"

pp103-104: Nylissit & Hrivain commiserate re: the Consort, "a woman of frost":
      uninterested in gift or jewels; surrender impossible;
      stake: us, our friends, the Empire {huh?}; ideas usually from sister;
      both think they know what Consort most wants, but do not name it or
      their next meeting place
pp104-105: streets not designed for horse travel
p105: Khaavren blushes; Nylissit: name is Khaav'n, like the wine?
      Khaavren: I style myself after the district of those grapes,
      pronunciations differ slightly, what's your real name?, at your service;
      Nylissit: Illista {Nylissit, Illista: sound like "illicit", Vallista}
pp106-107: Illista says she'll tell him later: the inn where he killed Frai;
      Khaavren is surprised she knows;
      Illista: I know a great deal of what happens in the city
p107: {I don't understand why I wrote: "he <--> we"}
pp107-108: Aerich: G'aereth spoke unofficially with me
      (G'aereth knows; the Captain does not); 
      Khaavren: discussed without the Orb {with, not *under*, the Orb?}
p108: G'aereth's warnings: Dekkan hot-blooded, {Tazendra puzzled by why Kurich
      is a familiar name} Kurich = younger brother of Warlord Lytra e'Tenith;
p109: (cont'd) Dzur of pp89-91 = Gyorg = Lavode captain: annoyed at them;
      fiery dark eyes, hooked nose, thin lips; all Lavodes: warrior & wizard
p110: as full as holes as the Ballini Tower {?}
p110: Srahi: insolent to Tazendra, haughty to Khaavren, 
      suspicious of Aerich, fear + some worship of Pel {why?};
      Khaavren doesn't know what Pel is crocheting
p111: {Khaavren needs facial control}
      echoes of his thoughts flitted across his features
pp111-112: {does Dragaeran have vous/tu distinction?}
      Khaavren: friend Pel, for so I hope I may call you; Pel: yes
p112: Pel: "I am only to happy" {typo: to <--> too}
p112: [Serioli] Pel: *Konechno*, {typo: I <--> It} I would be my pleasure
p112: Pel: Empress Cherova 3rd vacated throne & Tortaalik 1st ascended 
      11 weeks ago; Aerich sat back & drained his wine cup,
      Tazendra leaned forward anxiously, Khaavren leaned forward
      {why these reactions?}
p113: {Tazendra apparently confused but trying to hide it} 
      -"we knew"-, -"well, but not why"-, 
      determined not to be left out, beginning to look flushed
p114: {Tazendra continues to bluff}
      Tazendra: I'd done the same, only -- I don't paint;
p114: clear as Threefalls Rivers [sic] {why not "River of Threefalls"?}
pp114-115: Pel: Dragon House argued over who was to be the next duke of
      Pepperfield: a far eastern fief, held by Dragon House in its own name;
      Dragon Heir's line = Marquis's line = e'Tenith vs e'Kieron;
      Aerich: e'Lanya, not e'Tenith {Pel really believed it was e'Tenith, or
      was that a "Usenet-style misinformation probe" to draw out corrections?}

{To do: skim Jhereg, Yendi, FHYA for revivification & Norathar connections:

Jhereg in The Book of Jhereg:

ch13, pp120-121: 2nd Jhereg-Dragon war, Dragon coup, decadent Phoenix, boom!
ch14, p134: Mellar/Leareth's father killed Jhereg protected by Lord Adron

Yendi in The Book of Jhereg:

ch10, p254: e'Kieron Dragonhead colors: blue eye + green eye {which is which?}
p255, p256: Dragon Heir saga: Dragon council, 
            e'Lanya line: Lady Miera & Lord K'laiyer & daughter Norathar,
            accusation, war, parents killed, faked scans
p258:       Norathar asks why her parents weren't revivified
            {error? doesn't revivification post-date the Disaster?}
p259:       400+ years ago
ch12, p272: e'Lanya Dragonhead colors: 2 red eyes
ch15, p296: Sorcereress in Green, Norathar declared bastard, dead parents,
            Adron becomes Dragon Heir
p297:       Baritt dead after Aliera shows up, Norathar setup to die, 
            Norathar inconveniently revivified, Laris, Welok
p299:       Adron vs K'lairer re: immediacy of decadent Phoenix problem
p300:       end of the Great Cycle, hence decadence particularly bad 
            {what about TPG pp20-21? doesn't it say Great Cycle + 1 = worst?}
pp301-303:  Sorceress in Green's motivation -- 
            place "right" Warlord to invade the East, e.g. Sethra the Younger
ch16, p305: One never knows where a Yendi lives {what of Pel in TPG? 
            Khaavren & Aerich note Pel's isolated room with its own door p70.
            Pel often gone when Khaavren & Aerich rise p71.
            Besides cultivating female contacts, 
            does he hang out at his own bolt hole(s)?}
p308:       dead guards up again, even those slain by Blackwand!
            {magically controled puppets rather than actual re-animation,
            since Blackwand presumably destroyed the souls?}

pp115-116: Tortaalik ordered Lanmarea to arrest Kathana: spine severed +
      several paint brushes in his eyes = mortal wounding without following
      dueling code {"mortal" = "can't save life", rather than "can't revivify",
pp116-117: Khaavren proproses they 4 apprehend Kathana without orders from
      G'aereth; Pel evaluates: Lanmarea disservice, please G'aereth and
      --with a quick glance at Aerich-- certain others {huh?};