
[DbS] TPG ch9-ch11

Gaertk at Gaertk at
Wed Jul 10 08:40:43 PDT 2002

In a message dated Tue, 9 Jul 2002 3:47:06 PM Eastern
Standard Time, Thomas Yan <tyan at> writes:

>     inn favored by G'aereth's Company {typo? Company 
>       <--> company}

Red Boot Company

>      {do roses signify something?  Rose Bush inn?  Thorny
>  Rose Army p82?}


> p110: Srahi: insolent to Tazendra, haughty to Khaavren, 
>      suspicious of Aerich, fear + some worship of Pel
> {why?};

You swapped Pel and Aerich

>      was that a "Usenet-style misinformation probe" to 
> draw out corrections?}

I believe the technical term for this is Furr's Law.

[Dragon politics leading to Adron becoming hier]
>p259:       400+ years ago

Well, yeah, but it doesn't tell us much since Adron's
Disaster was 500 years ago.

> pp115-116: Tortaalik ordered Lanmarea to arrest Kathana:
> spine severed +
>      several paint brushes in his eyes = mortal wounding
> without following
>      dueling code {"mortal" = "can't save life", rather
> than "can't revivify", right?}

But then why make such a point of the severed spine and
paintbrushes in the eyes?

> pp116-117: Khaavren proproses they 4 apprehend Kathana 
> without orders from
>      G'aereth; Pel evaluates: Lanmarea disservice, please 
> G'aereth and
>      --with a quick glance at Aerich-- certain others
> {huh?};

You left out the word "annoying" before "certain".  
Presumably a reference to Count Shaltre.
