Adina Adler <adina at> writes: > "Lisa Grant Coffin" <lisa at> wrote: > > >DQotLS0tLSBPcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlIC0tLS0tIA0KRnJvbTogIkdhbWV0ZWNoIiA8dm9sdHJv > >bmFscGhhQGhvdG1haWwuY29tPg0KVG86IDxkcmFnYWVyYUBkcmFnYWVyYS5pbmZvPg0KU2VudDog > > [rest snipped] > > Everything that I get from Lisa Grant Coffin looks like this. Does > anyone else have this problem? I read mail using emacs rmail, and I > think this system is running in NetBSD. Previous messages I've looked at from Lisa are in plain text, but Base64 encoded for transfer (which makes sense if the message body is potentially unicode). Doesn't make any sense for an English-language plain text list though. Her most recent message *doesn't* show that when I look at it here, which probably means that the oe-quotefix patch has also taken care of the base64 encoding. Can you read her more recent messages? I'm reading in emacs using gnus, and gnus is capable of interpreting the bas64 encoding. I think VM might be also (and it seems to me nearly identical to rmail in user interface, so you might be able to switch to VM without much learning curve). -- David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at / New TMDA anti-spam in test John Dyer-Bennet 1915-2002 Memorial Site Book log: New Dragaera mailing lists, see