
Quick Question regarding Teckla

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Tue Jun 11 15:02:28 PDT 2002

In a message dated Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:57:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Mark Porter" <mporter at rogers.com> writes:

> My question, though, is this.  Much to my delight, 'Lord' 
> Khaavren was mentioned twice.  Now, I'm just curious what 
> his current role is in the Empire.  He can no longer be 
> the Captain of the Guard, since Vlad seems to know of him, 
> yet still wonders if the Dragon woman that showed up 
> outside of Kelly's was the Captain, which I think leaves 
> two possibilities.  Obviously, Vlad was upset at him as if 
> Khaavren had something to do with the troops being 
> present, so I'm thinking he's either been promoted to 
> Brigadier, or possible he's even gotten himself a job as 
> Warlord.

I think "captain" may be a mid-level rank in the Guards (or
at least Vlad thinks so).  My conviction is that Khaavren
IS Warlord (compare the Warlord refernces in _Phoenix_ with
comments about Khaavren in _Orca_), with the biggest piece
of evidence the fact that Morrolan ain't.
