
How did you discover ... ?

Melissa Fitzgerald meersan at mn.astound.net
Thu Jun 13 21:50:58 PDT 2002

At 11:28 PM 6/13/02 -0500, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
>http://www.mnstf.org/einblatt is the monthly newsletter of the
>Minnesota Science Fiction Society.  Everybody with an interest in SF
>is invited to our semi-monthly gatherings, which we call meetings but
>which are actually parties of the "talking" as opposed to "recorded
>music" variety.   (Exact dates and locations are in Einblatt; they're
>generally in members' homes.)

Hmm, now that I'm living in Mn again I should check out this sort of thing.
 Too bad it's Fathers' Day weekend. I'll have to keep an eye on the
mnsft.org site.  Thanks for the info, btw.

m e e r s a n
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a s t o u n d
d o t - n e t