
*Dragaera* Spoiler protection

Fri Jun 14 10:44:24 PDT 2002

[Let's keep the discussions separate for the two lists.  This message
is going to only dragaera.]

Matthew Hunter <matthew at infodancer.org> wrote on Fri, 14 Jun 2002 02:57:02
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2002, Thomas Yan <tyan at twcny.rr.com> wrote:
> > I want simple rules, too.  "Must protect if newer than <x> months"
> > strike *me* as more complicated than "always protect" :)
> Tell you what.  
> Can you define criteria under which an on-topic message would NOT
> deserve spoiler protection? 

Yes, but I consider that a distraction.  Let's pretend I can't.

> If you can't, then lets put a warning *prominently* in the list
> rules that spoilers are rampant and if you have not read
> everything available, beware... 

Well, how do other people feel about this approach, especially if
you're one of the ones who haven't read all the books you intend to?

This seems to me like a great way to scare people off.

> because we'll be
> spoiler-protecting every message anyway and we might as well be
> efficient about it.

Please explain why a simple "Rampant spoilers for everything Brustian"
warning is significantly inefficient?

- tky