
Desperately Seeking Discussion

Fri Sep 20 15:48:37 PDT 2002

Sean writed:
>> Rachel asked:
>> > How about this: What House would each of the original Star 
Trek crew be
>> > in?  I see Spock as a Lyorn.
>Mia replied:
>> I think Kirk would be a Dzur--brave and stupid.  Yes, he's 
supposed to be
>> leader, which would make him a Dragon, but I don't think so.
>Gotta agree with Mia:
>Kirk is the finest hand-to-hand fighter in the universe, has an 
>way with ladies of any species and can McGyver a flash stone in 
the midst of
>combat.  Definately Dzur.

True.  But Kirk's a blonde, or anyway his "hair" is, and from what 
we've seen, the Dzurlords tend to be dark.

*clears throat*  Er.  I watch more _Babylon 5_ than ST, so I 
thought I'd throw in some of those House-sortings:

Sinclair:  Lyorn
Delenn: Phoenix (reborn, not decadent)
Londo Mollari (bells sound at his name!): either Dzur or Tsalmoth 
(I know, I know -- HUGE difference; it depends on which season)
Vir Cotto: Teckla
G'Kar: Dragon
Sheridan: Phoenix (*grin*  after all, he did die and get better...)
Ivanova: Lyorn?
Bester: Athyra.  _Definitely_ Athyra.



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