On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 02:38:25AM -0600, Gametech <voltronalpha at hotmail.com> wrote: > 2. Who even says we have free will? Boxed choices seems to me not to be free > will. Free will means unrestrained choices (though it can just mean the > ability to exercise choice), the universe restrains us to its laws. If god > created the universe all he is doing is giving us the ability to choose > between his choices. That sounds very much to me like the lack of free will. That implies that omnipotence is the only route to free will. That's not valid. Free will is the ability to choose your own actions freely -- it doesn't require that the universe fulfill your desires as well. At any rate, if you are going to go to such lengths to continue being obtuse, there's no point in continuing. -- Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org) Public Key: http://matthew.infodancer.org/public_key.txt Homepage: http://matthew.infodancer.org/index.jsp Politics: http://www.triggerfinger.org/index.jsp