
I just had a thought

Mon Dec 16 02:52:55 PST 2002

On Sunday, December 15, 2002, at 11:48  PM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

> Do you really *want* it to happen?  Movies made from good books are
> essentially always pale reflections of the original *at best* -- often
> they're abominations.  Original movies, or movies from shorter
> originals, are much more interesting.
I'm not sure if some of the books I'll name count as "good Books" but 
I've found a few.

"The Running Man" (admittedly almost a completely different plot-line 
after conversion)
"Dune"  (it's old, it's long, but it has Patrick Stewart, Sting, and a 
host of excellent actors)
"Total Recall" (awesome movie)
"Fellowship of the Rings" (call it what you will, but I can't say that 
it is a pale reflection of the novel)
"Payback" (never finished it the book but I still think it counts, and 
Mel Gibson is the Man in it)
as well as a slew of other good movies that I know are from Books, 
though I haven't read them to confirm the movies quality.

"Jurassic Park"
"Silence of the Lambs"
Most of the Bond movies
and so on.

The book to movie conversion does tend to produce flops and travesties.  
But with careful casting (not necessarily big names, just good actors), 
and a good conversion of the story line, Jhereg could easily be made 
into an awesome movie.

who's not intending to start another "who would play Vlad" debate