
Avoiding Jordan (Was: Re: POTD question...)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at sun.com
Wed Jan 22 16:14:31 PST 2003

> One of them, the husband, had previously read Freedom and Necessity,
> and loved it, one of his favourites, but for some reason he never made
> the connection to the Vlad books.  So I pestered him for a couple of
> weeks, he broke down and bought Jhereg, and that was all it took.

Tehe...  Yeah.  A friend of mine (a Jordan lover, actualy) just
read some interview questions for SKZB and told me I should lend
some to him.  Gettin' another one on the wagon soon!! :)

> Just your friendly neighborhood Vlad pusher......

LOL!  I have this image of someone in a trench coat on a dark
street corner.... "Hey.  Psst!  Wanna Vlad book?  I can hook you
up with Jhereg.  Got a coupla extra Orcas here...."
