
drink (was Re: Klava Recipies)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Mar 20 12:13:37 PST 2003

> Honestly, I can't remember if brandy should be chilled or not.  It's
> been so long.....

I have no idea.  But I think it would be a good
substitute for Sherry in a Sherry cake....:)

> All I drink any more is port (unchilled) and cider (chilled).

I'm not a big drinker myself (though *someone* got me drinking
Whiskey, da bastad!).  I like port though (had my first hangover
after drinking it the first time.  Ugh), and Guinness is good if
I don't have the time or money to eat.  And there are a few others
I'll drink, but I know less about alcohol than I do about, uh, something
I don't know much about. <grin>


"He is a lover of his country who rebukes and does
not excuse its sins." - Frederick Douglass