
Paarfi: useless, quote, sPEcuLation

Sat Apr 12 01:46:33 PDT 2003

From: lazarus <lazarus33pjf at cox.net>
Date:  Fri, 11 Apr 2003 22:25:10 -0700

>On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 14:22:30 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>>Paarfi describes Pel in _tPG_ and _FHYA_ as small, beautiful, 
given to
>>changing the color of his eyes a la Aliera, and clapping in a 
>>manner.  Crazy speculation: Pel is female, and is in drag for 
>>reasons.  Presumably those reasons evaporated with the Orb, but 
perhaps it
>>was simplest to continue crossing.  Aerich in _tPotD_ points out 
that he
>>hasn't had any children and they hug. Well, later they do.  The 
hug makes
>>the "female" theory a bit less likely, though maybe Dragaerans, 
being so
>>thin and not having beards, have less prominent secondary sexual
>>characteristics than Easterners.  Speculation duo: Pel is gay, 
>>Paarfi's translator has made the wrong assumption about the 
gender of his
>>conquests.  Or the translator was right _and_ both speculations 
are right.
>Leading to further speculation:  Is homosexuality known in 
>Or bisexuality?

Well, if not... there are gonna be some very disappointed Morrolan 
fangirls, I can tell you THAT.

On the other hand, dontcha remember the Baronesses Clover and 
Newhouse, one of whom was attracted to the other?  And Polyi 
speculated that Vlad was Reins' lover.

a Morrolan fangirl