Hey, I've been curious throughout the novels what the various Houses are, animal-wise. The curiousity stems from an interest in behavioural psychology, and I like to know what to expect, based on what Iknow of the House. But obviously, I have no idea what a Jhegaala or a Chreotha is, and so I can't even form a basic assumption about temperment and the like...so I want to try to compile a list of what clues lead to what conclusions regarding the identity of the various animals included in the cycle. One of the problems that has so far confronted me is the problem of sorting which characteristics are those of the House, and which are from the animals >from which that House derives its name. It's possible, probable even, that there are some animals that don't really match up with the fauna on Earth, but we can only approximate, so that's what we'll be content with: approximations. Here's what I've got so far: PHOENIX -- we know this. DRAGON -- we know this. LYORN -- has a horn. Has "sleek" hide. TIASSA --has been shown to have wings, based on a sculpture somewhere, possibly at Deathsgate in _PotD_, but has also been described as a cat, like in _Orca_ when Loftis uses the code name "Papa-cat" for Khaavren. HAWK -- we know this. DZUR -- is a feline of some sort, probably a Tiger, but maybe a Lion. ISSOLA -- going by the cover of the book, it looks like a Heron-like bird. TSALMOTH -- no idea. VALLISTA -- "Rends and then rebuilds" might indicate something like a beaver. JHEREG -- Mix between a dragon and a vulture. IORICH -- no idea. CHREOTHA -- no idea. YENDI -- some sort of snake. ORCA -- probably the same as earth, but maybe not. See _Phoenix_, on the way to Greenaere for a slight description. TECKLA -- I see this as a rodent, possibly a rabbit-like creature. JHEGAALA -- A Chameleon? ATHYRA -- Owl-like bird with psionic abilities. Other creatures mentioned are a Darr (from Vlad's Darrskin boots) a sjo-bear (one attacked Vlad in the Paths of the Dead) a norska, and a few others that I've forgotten. What do you guys think? Jon _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963