On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 04:26:24PM -0500, Greg Morrow wrote: > Much of the Taltos books can be read through an AD&D lens--Vlad is clearly > an assassin, a character class in 1st edition AD&D, for example. Dragaerans > are elves that are Tolkienesque in height, but are otherwise 1st ed. AD&D > elves, with 2,000 year lifespans (not immortal), and (in Jhereg I know of no evidence that Tokien's elves were as tall as Dragaerans. They may be described as "tall", but I've always taken that as meaning they're well fed and in good health, vs. the short men of Bree with short genes anyway. Tolkien never made clear how you can tell a Man from an Elf just by looking at them, and I think men like Tuor occasionally confused people anyway, which wouldn't happen if there were a two foot height difference. I think Elves just look like really good looking humans, plus occasionally glowing a bit especially if they're Noldor. I'll note that it's rare for 7 or 8 foot women to be considered beautiful by 6 foot men... -xx- Damien X-)