
Steve's Web Log

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Sun Jan 11 02:02:46 PST 2004

Lazarus wrote:
> If you only need to lose a few pounds, the cheating way to do 
> Atkins is to cut out the major portions of carbs from your 
> diet.  For instance, I usually don't gain any weight at all 
> if I simply go to diet sodas.  (I have to use Diet Rite or 
> Hansen's Diet, since I'm violently allergic to Nutrasweet).  
> 2 litres of Coke a day was packing the poundage on me.

Three years ago, after flirting with the 300 mark for a some time,  I gave
up Coke for Diet Coke.  In six weeks I lost 35 pounds.  Six months later I
was back knocking on that door and then walking through it. On Atkins, I've
lost more weight, and six months into it I don't miss pasta, milk, rice, dry
cereal or doughnuts.  I had discovered sucralose (the sweetener in Diet
Rite) about the same time that I switched to diet soda and have always
preferred it over aspratame.  Atkins points to studies that indicate that
aspartame may be an appetite stimulant and so he discouraged consuming sodas
that contain it.

Hans Schweitzer wrote:
> ...  I personally 
> I think that you should eat whatever you want and exercise 
> regularly (I suggest a sport, specifically Lacrosse.)  I've 
> noticed that when you exercise a lot you don't want to eat 
> unhealthy foods, plus you are actually healthier not just thinner.  

I absolutely agree.  The great thing is, I can now do just that.  I can eat
whatever I want, and I have now gotten to a weight where it isn't painful
for me to even think about getting back into my favorite sport (Ultimate).

I wouldn't recommend Atkins to anyone who only needs to lose a few pounds,
but if your doctor has warned you repeatedly that your weight is threatening
your health, I'd discuss it as an option with him or her.  I started it with
two other people at work.  One had small success, but could not deal with
carbohydrate withdrawal and quit after two weeks.  The other had lost 75lbs
on low carb plan seven years ago, but had not stuck with it and had been
yo-yoing ever since.  He lost nothing in three weeks.   Mileage varies.
