
Dzur Mountain

Thu Mar 4 09:41:21 PST 2004

On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Alexx Kay wrote:

> >     I still don't understand how cutting off the Jenoine's connection
> > to the Lesser Sea is supposed to get rid of the amorphia they already
> > have.  Can't they still use it to create an Orb from their
> > trellanstone?
> Note that the Jenoine didn't have a "sea", they had a "river"
> (at least, so far as we actually saw); we saw no stable pool.
> We suspect that the source of that River was the Lesser Sea,
> but we never saw its destination.  Perhaps they were only able
> to temporarily divert that amorphia from the (allegedly) one
> place in the multiverse where a stable concentration exists,
> and unable to *keep* that amorphia stable without letting it
> return to its source fairly quickly (or letting it eat their
> entire planet).

The problem with amorphia is not having too little of it, but too much.
It seems to me likely that less than "tapping" the Lesser Sea the J
needed a spark - but to control the spark they needed something like
an orb plus a source of energy.  The LS could provide the spark and
the energy.  Perhaps they didn't achieve a self-sustaining sea or
power cycle and required regular sparks.

If the above is right, the J probably had a mess on their hands after
_Issola_, if they still have hands at all.

I like the idea that amorphia occurs elsewhere, but those elsewheres are
as a result gone.