
RPG advice?

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Aug 11 04:55:12 PDT 2004

Mark A Mandel wrote:
> #Peter H. Granzeau wrote:
> #> At 11:11 08/10/2004 -0600, Howard Brazee wrote:
> #>> I recently started reading Elizabeth Moon (she's going to be
> #In her Space Opera she explored what immorality drugs can do to
> families and #succession.  I hope MileHiCon can get her in a panel
> with Wil McCarthy about #this topic, which he explores in more depth.
> Yes, it's pretty to see that immorality drugs would have a serious
> effect on families. What they would do to succession -- I assume you
> mean dynastic succession -- is harder to imagine.
> (If you think I'm missing out on something obvious, look closely at
> the
> word before "drugs". <eg>)


My bad.   But long lived generations could have tremendous social
implications.  Steve gets around that by having Dragaerans have just as long
generations.   I never quite believed in their lifespans, but in order to
have elves as the (human) protagonists, he was obliged to give them long
lifespans.   Making them all immortal wouldn't work at all.