Hi all. I've been reading The_Viscount_of_Adrilankha books, and it occurs to me that I know very little about Paarfi. It's been a while since reading FYA and TPG, and relevant details have faded. This timeline (http://www.panix.com/~alexx/dragtime.html) doesn't seem to include Paarfi other than noting his involvement in writing the history. When and where does Paarfi exist? There are a few lines, early in The_Paths_of_the_Dead, that led me to believe that Paarfi's work is being published on the world of Dragaera at some unknown time (unlike my assumption about Vlad's stuff, where he's speaking into a black box or interviewing with some fool that somehow brings his adventures onto our world). I thought it interesting that there was the potential that Vlad (who seems to read a good amount) had read some work by Paarfi, although not TPOTD, since he was unaware of Morrolan's early history as a clueless Easterner. Further, Paarfi almost seems to be bragging at one point about the success of TPG and FYA. I haven't read the other two books in this series, but it would explain things away if the stories are all pre-Interregnum, I.E. most of Paarfi's work on Dragaera were lost when the city melted. Any thoughts? Thanx. -paul-