
Rednuts-what do you think is the closest Earth substitute?

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Wed Jan 19 23:21:14 PST 2005

philiph at slac.stanford.edu wrote on 1/20/2005 1:28:37 AM Eastern Standard Time

>Are hazelnuts hazel?


The dictionary I have says hazel is a pale brown color.  For some
reason,  I always thought hazel was blue/green.  Now, I have to change
that definition in my head.

I found a picture of a hazelnut on the Internet and the skin was 
medium/dark brown.   The picture of hazelnut flour at 
http://www.foodsubs.com/Nutmeals.html was pale with the 
medium/dark brown colors which I guess are from the skin.  

So I think hazelnuts are hazel, almonds are almond.  And rednuts
are red; until SKZB says different.  

Maybe if I add more red food coloring, the bread will be red
and not pink.  It works with red velvet cake which is a chocolate 


Linda G.