
nuclear terminology

Mon Feb 14 16:36:10 PST 2005

On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 01:16:44PM -0800, Jerry Friedman wrote:
> It's probably too late for "quantum leap" and "exponential", but
> I think the "atomic" line can be held.

Ok, so is a "quantum leap" a small amount (because quantum deals
with quantum mechanics) or a large amount, because "spooky things
at a distance" can happen?  As near as I can tell, it was a 
TV show, any other use is ambiguous.

As for exponential, how is it wrong?  Something 10x greater than
the part before it is the standard, although I suppose it can be
less if you operate in something other than base 10.  (As a computer
guy I deal in base 2 quite frequently).  I suppose "increasing
logrithmically" doesn't sound as sex.  :)

Those seem pretty clear to me.  How am I wrong?

> I got somebody mad at me on another list by arguing about physics
> without revealing that I have a Ph.D. in it and teach it (the guy
> felt ambushed), so consider it revealed.

Sucker.  Now I can ask questions and expect solid answers.  :)

Jot Powers 	<books at bofh.com> 		http://www.bofh.com/books/
"I'm upping my standards, so up yours!" 
	-Pat Paulsen (1927-1997), Presidential Campaign Slogan