On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:44:58 -0800, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote: > Here there be spoilers... Specifically, references to a major plot-twist > that will make you look differently at portions of the entire Vladiad up to > this point. If you haven't read Orca, skip on. > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * [snip] > Here is Kiera having a one-sided conversation with Savn: > > "Although I suppose it's reasonable to wonder why anyone watches over > anyone. Vlad still doesn't know why I watch over him, you know... Come > to that, I'm not all that certain myself...Guilt I suppose.... Yes, it does raise the interesting question: who is "I"? Kierra or Sethra? As far as we know, Sethra's connection to Dolivar was that she let him escape when she was supposed to "hamstring the yendi," apparently to prevent his escape. If she should feel guilty to anyone, it's probably Kieron, in whose death Dolivar seems to be somewhat implicated. Speculation: unless Sethra was involved in setting Dolivar up to be banished in order to create the Jhereg in the first place (scout force). > At least > that's part of it...Though I doubt that Rocza has anything to feel > guilty about. Am I reading that right? Rocza? I'm guessing the context makes this an idle thought in passing as opposed to a revelation about Rocza. I agree that it's odd that Vlad takes Kierra/Sethra as an explanation of why Kierra? Sethra? both? watch over him, especially given that as late as Phoenix he describes Sethra as enchantress, warlord, etc. and finishes "sometimes I thought she was my friend." Max Wilson Who enjoys Sethra's warm-despite-the-cold kiss for Vlad at Morrolan's banquet -- something funny