On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 09:44:58 -0800, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote: > Here there be spoilers... Specifically, references to a major plot-twist > that will make you look differently at portions of the entire Vladiad up to > this point. If you haven't read Orca, skip on. > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * > * >Speculation: unless Sethra was involved in setting Dolivar >up to be banished in order to create the Jhereg in the first place >(scout force). Interesting idea. It doesn't seem like creating the Jhereg would be something one would deliberately set out to do, but Divine influence may have been involved. The Gods created the Cycle, presumably, and requiring the Jhereg to be a part of it would neccesarily require having a hand in bringing them into existence. >Am I reading that right? Rocza? I'm guessing the context makes this an >idle thought in passing as opposed to a revelation about Rocza. It's a passing thought. The "conversation" with Savn began with Kiera commenting about how Rocza appeared to be protective of Savn. >Max Wilson >Who enjoys Sethra's warm-despite-the-cold kiss for Vlad at Morrolan's banquet That's an interesting catch. It puts me in mind of our first introduction to Kiera in _Jhereg_. Vlad says something along the lines of "She gave me a kiss hello and I gave as good as I got." The implication being that while Vlad and Kiera aren't neccesarily slipping each other tongue, they're on rather better than peck-on-the-cheek terms. Perhaps Sethra and Dolivar were lovers? While her current undead status and Dolivar's currently-an-Easterner status would likely preclude Sethra from making Zerika's choice, she might still feel as Zerika does. "He is my lover because I love him, and he is an Easterner because that is the House in which his soul resides."