
OT: Symbolism in "Inamorata"

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed May 11 12:46:00 PDT 2005

Chris Olson wrote:

>It *is* a good book; well written and it keeps the interest going 'till
>the end.  It's also period (1920s Philadelphia) and touches on a great
>many issues besides "is this psychic stuff real".
However I'm sufficiently a skeptic that that alone is a turn-off.   I 
like the book _Charles Fort Never Mentioned Wombats_,  by Gene DeWeese 
and Robert Coulson, where aliens land on in Australia during the World 
Science Fiction convention.   The punch line in that book is:
Science Fiction fans are more skeptical than the general population, and 
we don't believe in them - in fact we disbelieve them right out of 