
How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?

Wed Dec 14 16:51:15 PST 2005

"Mark Tiller" <mtiller at ntlworld.com> wrote:
>To: "'Scott Schultz'" <scott at cjhunter.com>,"'Dragaera'" 
><dragaera at dragaera.info>
>Subject: RE: How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?
>Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 23:24:09 -0000
> >Well, yes, I shan't deny the validity of that. I was trying to avoid 
> >simply contrary and asking "Where is the textex that Zerika I was a 
> >Phoenix?" There isn't any, making the question moot because it leaves the
> >discussion in the exact state it was in previously.
>I'm not sure that's true.  We know Paarfi wrote Viscount of Adrilanka 
>Norathar's reign.  Ergo the cycle turned.  We have to have a reborn Phoenix
>before that.  Zerika reigns at least 309 years (see preface? of The Phoenix
>Guards)  Plus 179 years of Norathar's reign.  And Paarfi is still writing,
>I'm not saying there can't have been another ruler in between, but strikes
>me as unlikely.

This discussion is about Zerika the first, not our cherished 
Easterner-lover. ;)

Of course Zerika the fourth is one.