
How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?

Michele Riccio mr1 at rcosta.com
Fri Dec 16 13:02:10 PST 2005

On 15 Dec 2005 at 16:21, Davdi Silverrock wrote

> He was a Jhereg.  A *courteous* (as in "courtier") Jhereg, but
> nevertheless a Jhereg.
> But all Jhereg are hybrids, as I keep having to emphasize.

My brain is not fully engaged (office holiday party...) however, I 
seem to remember Alieria (?) telling Vald that the Jhereg began as 
castoffs from other tribes, a mishmash of genetics, but over time 
"even a mishmash becomes recognizable".  This, to me, seems to 
indicate that while the Jhereg once consisted solely of crossbreeds, 
this is no longer true.


Michele Riccio
mr1 at rcosta.com