
How will House Phoenix arise from the ashes?

Wed Dec 21 15:10:00 PST 2005

> More to the point, *every* *single* major character that SKZB 
> has portrayed in the Dragaera stories has been shown to be 
> unreliable for one reason or another - outright and blatant 
> lying; poor memory; lack of comprehension of some complicated 
> situation; having a personal interest that they don't wish to 
> disclose (or other hidden motivation); not being in the mood 
> to discuss something in full detail; assuming a fact from 
> erroneous observations; assuming that someone already knows 
> the facts; generalizing from one example; or just making a 
> mistake of major or minor proportions.  And various 
> combinations of those reasons, and probably other reasons as 
> well, which I left off because I couldn't think of them right now.

Is Khaavren unreliable?