
What Line of Dragon is Kragar?

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Fri Dec 23 12:31:03 PST 2005

Scott Kreitzer <rascaltkatt at yahoo.com> writes:

> I just recently re-read the Vlad books, and I kept trying to find 
> out what Line Kragar came from.  Does anybody know?
> My thoughts are that he was e'Kieron because of Aliera's knowledge 
> and dislike of him.

She wasn't around when he got kicked out.  And Morrolan doesn't like
him either.

Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - email: gaertk at aol.com
"I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface."
                          -- James Nicoll