On 2/22/06, Louis Eastman <almagaiz at gmail.com> wrote: > I noticed for the first time Eddings tends to italicize words quite often! > In fact, if you managed to go through two pages without an italic its a > miracle, and he loves to use multiple seperated italicized words, such as: > "I got up in the morning and said hello to my cactus." Wow, you're not kidding. I opened to a random page of /Castle of Wizardry/ and there it was, an italicized word. I tried five or six random pages and found italics on most of them. > Why do authors overuse such things? Does Steve overuse something and I have > not noticed it, making me a hypocrite? Eddings isn't a very skilled writer. Fun, but not skilled. Overusing adverbs, italics, and emoticons :) is one hallmark of the unskilled writer. Just ask Strunk & White. Max Wilson -- Be pretty if you are, Be witty if you can, But be cheerful if it kills you.