My sleep schedule has been knocked all askew thanks to my wife's recent surgery. I'd finished _Five Hundred Years After_ recently and since it sits on the table nearby, I have a tendency to pick it up and open it up to passages that interested me and re-read them again when I've been awakened for one thing or another and not quite sleepy again. Last night, I revisited Khaavren's first meeting with Daro, and that was where I discovered this: _Five Hundred Years After_, pg 252. [Regarding the layout of the Consort's chambers] "This balcony, for so we will call it, was entirely secluded from the rest of the Palace, and could not be reached except through the Consort's own bedchamber, which was always watched by a pair of guards (not to mention the other three pair who guarded the different entrances to the Consort's suite.) All of this, in addition to providing an excellent setting for Luin's farcical murder drama, _Who Dropped Her First_, had the result, if the Consort wished for her privacy,..." All it took was the stray thought "The doors to the suite must be layed out in a diamond pattern." to suddenly realize just what Luin's "farcical murder drama" must have been like. *heh*