
Notes: TPG through ch 2

Starshadw at Starshadw at
Mon Jun 24 16:47:59 PDT 2002

In a message dated 6/24/2002 2:39:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
Gaertk at writes:

> >> Rovers?
> >
> > I agree: huh, what?
> I was wondering if anyone would comment (or better yet,
> speculate) on that.

OK, I'll comment/speculate.  First off, we know the Rovers are not city 
guards, nor are they part of the Imperial Army.  Rovers may be bands of 
Imperial armsmen sent out on the Roads to make sure they stay clear of 
bandits and such.  They probably have tokens from the Empire, or are given 
stipends, so they do not have to pay for their own food and lodging.  It is 
also possible that they may have some small jurisdictional powers, and can 
hence mete out small judgments, help settle disputes, etc.

How's that for comments and speculation? :)
